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Kunst auf dem Campus - Spurensuche (Art on Campus – Searching for Traces), Kunstforum '99 e.V. Rheinbach - 2006

Einladungskarte zu Kunst auf dem Campus Spurensuche

Professor Heijo Klein eröffnet die Ausstellung Charlotte Esch legt letzte Hand an Ihre Präsentation

Objekte von Charlotte Esch mit Besuchern

"Papier, Paper Art 06", Kunstkreis Rolandseck (Rolandseck Artists Circle) - 2006

These works of art are a result of my search for human virtues and the circle of life from beginning to end.

Das Objekt Geburt Lebensmitte Lebensende Tod von Charlotte Esch

Spurensuche I – Searching for Traces I

1: "Birth"
The beginning of life.
Unity of body, mind and spirit.
Our birth marks the beginning of our journey towards death (represented by black paper triangle at right front).

2: "Middle Age"
Man is in the middle of his life, full of energy and strength.
Man strives for unity of body, mind and spirit. Death accompanies him – always close by.

3: "End of Life"
Aging and weighed down in body, mind and spirit, man journeys towards death. This process depletes his energy.

4: "Death"
The body no longer lives, is buried, turns to dust. Mind and spirit are free, continue to exist.

Thus life remains an eternal search for traces and clues.

Das Objekt Facetten des Lebens in der Gallerie von Charlotte Esch

Spurensuche II – Searching for Traces II

Facetten I - Facets I

Long straight facets: clear, well-structured, courageous, striving, straightforward, purposeful, honest

Facetten II - Facets II

Small facets: multilayered, individual, calming, harmonizing

Facetten III - Facets III

Large and small facets: contrasting elements – connecting elements
Anything is possible – a wealth of complexity
Polarity – man / woman
The diagonal structure creates calmness

Thus all human beings remain individuals – searching for themselves and their world.

Frau Bassi und Frau Esch im Gespräch vor den Objekten Eingangsbereich zum Erfühlen des Papiers Künstlergruppe um Frau Bassi drei Collagen von Charlotte Esch in der Ausstellung

Newspaper article – Generalanzeiger Bonn, 14.03.2006